More Than Married Podcast Available On All Platforms

Michael and Claire Lewis are a husband-and-wife team who not only share the same last name, but the same passion for helping others build healthy relationships.<

Marriage is more than an agreement, ceremony, or contract. In the More Than Married podcast, Michael & Claire dive into what it means to be more than married in a Christian marriage. Best friends, lovers, business partners, teammates, investors, parents, and ministers are just a few of the additional things that are included in a marriage relationship.


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The Star in Me Book

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True Worth by Michael J. Lewis

When you become a Christian, you assume an identity that carries expectations. Although Christianity is supposed to be a beacon of hope and freedom those expectations make most believers feel constrained and suppressed have you ever felt that? 

This book is diving deep into the various aspects of identity (the defining characteristics that make up who you are) and how they affect your decisions and actions.

If you can properly categorize, prioritize, and organize your identities, you can live in the life of freedom promised through  identity in Christ.

Use this book as a tool to gain knowledge, insight, and a proper understanding of the various identities in your life. Take action based on your true identity in him and make changes you want to see.

The Star in You by Claire Lewis

God has great plans for you. You are a masterpiece made in His image. Did you know you were born to arise, shine, and change the world?

Become confident and empowered through your true value from this practical guide on how to connect to the Star Maker.

Learn how to overcome insecurity, low self-esteem, and avoid the comparison trap with action steps straight from Scripture.

Discover the truth of who God says you are. You have His light in you. It’s time to see yourself the way God sees you.

Claire Lewis understands the pain of bullying and feeling insignificant. She shares how God used her love for dance to put her on an amazing journey that led to reaching her dreams while overcoming anxiety, feeling unworthy, and timidity. Claire uses her dance platform to remind girls of their true worth and purpose- a star meant to shine in the darkness.

The Star in Me by Claire Lewis

Connect every child to their Star Maker.  Teach them how to arise and shine! In a world needing more kindness, hope, and love, you can reveal the light of God’s plan for every child. 

Through rhyme, this endearing book teaches Christ-based identity anchored in Truth.  By the last page, the reader will know they are God’s specially made star to change the world and shine aglow! Suggested ages: 0-8.

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