We’ve been sharing the wonder that is the book The Star in Me. But, here at True Worth Media, we believe we are sharing so much more than simple words on a page.

In an article listing the benefits of reading to children at a young age, we see opportunities to build our children up, give them skill that last a lifetime, and make them a blessing to the people that cross their paths in life!

According to the article, when you read to your child, you are actually helping the child’s brain by boosting their receptive vocabulary. 

As their brains begin to gather more words for their vocabulary, they also have cognitive perks they gain. They’ll start to learn from what they are being read. They learn things about shapes, colors, numbers, and even the concepts that you’re reading to them about in these early years.

Kids are wiggly. They are especially wiggly when you want them to be still. Reading to your child has a calming effect. It is particularly helpful to read near bedtime when you need them to start winding down. In addition, reading is fun! Reading with your children can have the effect that you want to have at the appropriate time. If you need them to settle down, you can sit down with a book and read to them calmly. 

If your child needs something to do you can grab a book and fill the gap with a fun time of reading.  Young children find spending time with their parent fun.  When kids look back on fond experiences with their parent, communication then improves, and this can galvanize the family connection beyond their early development.

By reading to your children you help them become better listeners. Furthermore, reading can help lengthen their attention span. With the increase in cognitive function that can come from reading to your kiddos, there is a chance they will perform better in school, or at least have a solid springboard to do well in a learning environment. 

Then the question becomes, “Which books do I read to them?”  We think we have a great option. Click here.

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